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Castrol's PartsTech partnership

Automotive parts ordering, upgraded

The PartsTech next generation auto parts catalog connects your shop to a network of over 27,000 distributors, over 2,700 brands, and 11.4 million parts… and growing everyday.


Faster Automotive Parts Search, Less Time Wasted, Increased Revenue.

iPad & iPhone show Castrol's PartsTech partnership

5 smartphones with different PartsTech website screens

Find the right auto parts fast

PartsTech makes it easy to find the right auto parts fast. Search by VIN or license plate ensuring an accurate order.  PartsTech works on all of your shop's devices. Order the part in the bay or service lane on a smartphone, tablet, or through your management system in the office.

Always up to date parts catalog

Since PartsTech is a cloud based parts ordering system, you’re always working off the latest and greatest auto product information. No more catalog CD’s in the mail. No annoying software updates. Log on and see real time pricing and detailed product information from any device.

Inventory and prices are always real time, and we update our parts catalog data faster than anyone in the industry.

PartsTech automotive parts platform with cloud capabilities
PartsTech auto parts website on iMac

Connects directly with your shop's management system

PartsTech powers parts ordering for a growing number of Shop Management Systems. Build an RO and add parts all in one seamless workflow. Quote jobs fast and sell more service. 


Contact us today to see if your SMS is already partnered with PartsTech.

If you're an auto shop owner, technician or service writer, sign up for a free Pro Account to unlock a suit of features designed for professionals, including     

  • Tax fee purchasing
  • Wholesale pricing
  • Order History and Analytics
  • Advanced Search Functionsand more

Setting up a PartsTech Professional Account is FREE