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Wind power is a relatively modern industry and in a short span, caters to about 5 % of the global energy requirement. It is estimated that by the year 2030, 30 % of the energy demand will be met by Wind power.
During these times of buoyant growth, Wind farms are faced with 3 big challenges –
1. LCOE (Levelised cost of energy) – With reducing subsidies, the industry needs to continuously reduce LCOE to remain competitive
2. Ageing assets – With nearly 60% of the assets expected to be out of warranty by the year 2021, the wind farms are challenged to raise the standards of O&M to minimize Downtime
3. Skills Gap – The wind industry today employs more than 35,000 technicians and this number is growing @ 6 % per annum. A recent survey shows that 78 % of Wind energy stakeholders state that Finding suitably trained staff is either ‘Difficult’ or ‘Very Difficult’
The Castrol Wind Aftermarket offer addresses these challenges through –
Contact us for more information on our unique solutions for the wind industry
Attachments – Optigear Video, Carbon neutral video, Academy sales presenter
Pictures on the web page – from Optigear, carbon neutral sales presenters
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