To protect your manufacturing business from the devastating impacts of rust. Check out the 7 key practical applications of rust preventive oils.
The formation of rust occurs on iron when it suffers exposure to oxygen or moisture. Rust is severely detrimental for iron and results in equipment failure, non-salable components, greater power consumption, and other issues that might lead to downtime in industries.
To counter such a destructive deterrent, several machinists recommend the application of rust preventive oils to metal parts. Rust preventive oils protect the metal from corrosive attacks and help prevent capital loss as maintenance or new machinery for your business.
Applications of rust preventive oils
If you wish to protect your manufacturing business from the devastating impacts of rust, check out these seven practical applications of rust preventive oils for iron machinery -
1. Used during the finished or semi-finished stage
Metals and equipment often receive a coating of rust preventive oils during a semi-finished or finished stage. The oils form a protective shield around the metal equipment, which inhibits the corrosive substance from coming into contact with the metal.
Semi-finished metal components that must be stored until they proceed to the next manufacturing stage are severely affected by rust. Therefore, these parts need rust preventive coating to retain metal quality until the final manufacturing stage. When metal components make it through the finishing stage, they get dipped in rust preventive oil before transportation.
The application of mineral oil-based rust preventives is meant for short-term inter-operational shielding or coating parts before wrapping. These oils offer interim protection for a metal bar, strip, or rod. Several rust preventive oil suppliers recommend its usage as flushing oil for the internal shielding of engine components and machinery.
2. Used in massive structures like bridges to prevent corrosion
Rust preventive oils have extensive applications in the construction industry as they help safeguard construction metals from rust in harsh weather conditions such as monsoon. Rust preventive oils are typically added to paints and applied as a coating on bridges to ensure their longevity despite the weather conditions.
Before the metal required for construction gets shipped, it receives a coating of rust preventive oil to prevent corrosion. Metal rods and iron slabs coated in rust preventive oil have become a common practice in the construction industry to reinforce the strength of infrastructures under all weather conditions.
3. Applied on equipment used in an acidic environment to prevent rusting
Acidic compounds are highly toxic to metals and cause severe degradation to their quality by accelerating corrosion. Even if the metal is not used directly with acids, it may still reach the metal from the atmosphere, groundwater, or soil.
The primary cause of acid corrosion of metals is due to electrochemical processes. Equipment exposed to an acidic environment gets coated with rust preventive oil to prevent the acid from reaching its surface by acting as a shield. If you use metals in an acidic environment, invest in rust preventive oils based on phosphoric acid esters.
4. Used in the automotive industry
Rust preventive oils are extensively used in the automotive industry to enhance the performance of cooling systems, brake systems, and other components. These oils act as lubricants to metal components with the added benefit of protecting them from corrosion.
The metal body and engines of vehicles are highly vulnerable to corrosion. To prevent rusting of an automobile's body, engine, and brakes, rust prevention oils are used, which shield these components from coming in direct contact with moisture and oxygen in the atmosphere.
Besides, metal parts of automobiles travel from inventory to assembly lines with high exposure to moisture and oxygen-rich air. Due to this, it becomes necessary to apply rust prevention oil at every stage of vehicle manufacturing.
5. Used in water storage tanks
Rust preventive oils are applied on the inside surface of water storage tanks since these metal containers get exposed to water throughout the year. The oils used in storage tanks also protect the stored liquid because otherwise, corrosion can contaminate it.
Rust preventive oils are free-flowing liquids that comprise rust inhibitors, water displacing additives, film-forming agents, and lubricant base stock. These additives ensure that the storage tank can safely store a liquid for long periods without getting contaminated.
6. Used in the construction industry
Rust preventive oils are remarkably beneficial in the construction sector to prevent corrosion from eating away the precious metal used in infrastructure. These oils also safeguard the construction equipment and machinery by coating their metal parts. This protective layer of coating acts as a lubricant to facilitate the seamless movement of internal components.T
he oxidation and reduction process is accelerated significantly during the monsoon, with rainwater as the catalyst. Therefore, paints are mixed with rust preventive oils and coated over metallic structures.
7. Used in machinery that is exposed to water containing machines
Rust preventive oils safeguard components that suffer exposure to water-containing machines and grinding coolants, water rinses, or cleaners. Rust preventive oils help protect metal components stored indoors in humid regions or transported through harsh weather conditions.
Rust preventive oils protect metal surfaces and parts before, during, and after the machining process and when stored indoors. Besides being effective against corrosion, the non-staining property of rust preventive oil ensures that it is dry to touch and does not become cumbersome to manage.
Final words
The application of rust preventive oil is crucial in an environment where the metal surface gets exposed to air and moisture. If you are looking for high-quality rust preventive oils, Castrol's Rustilo range is the one for you as their products have a wide variety of applications in different industries with the added assurance of being premium.