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Castrol ON EV Fluids

Advanced Transmission, Thermal Management and Grease EV Fluids.

Castrol ON EV fluids

Learn more about Castrol ON EV fluids:

*Castrol EV fluids benefits are demonstrated in bespoke testing and development. Go further1, charge faster2 and last longer3.
1 vs mass market EV factory fill fluid  2 vs indirect cooled battery system  3 vs standard EV transmission fluid

The future of mobility

The world of transport is going electric and EV fluids have a vital role to play. The EV fluids market is at a very early stage, predominately used in factory fill application. Factory fill refers to the fluids that are applied during the initial manufacture of vehicles. However, as markets evolve rapidly, these EV fluids will be available in service fill and aftermarket.


Castrol ON is a range of advanced EV fluids including EV transmission fluids, EV thermal fluids and EV greases. At present, they are primarily used for factory fill. Some of the products are also available to after-sales customers for service fill and aftermarket. Please reach out to your local Distributor for more information. 


Castrol ON EV fluids play a major role in helping EVs:


Go further1*

EV transmission fluids help reduce energy losses in the drivetrain system and improve EV transmission efficiency.


Charge faster2*

EV thermal fluids help reduce the maximum temperatures which the cells reach during ultra-fast charging.


Last longer3*

EV transmission fluids help protect gears and extend the life of the drivetrain system.


*Castrol EV fluids benefits are demonstrated in bespoke testing and development. 1 vs mass market EV factory fill fluid  2 vs indirect cooled battery system  3 vs standard EV transmission fluid



Castrol is partnering with major manufacturers to ensure its lubricants deliver what drivers want: To go further on a single charge, enable longer life of transmission and component parts, and ensure long-lasting battery health.


As electric vehicles continue to evolve, Castrol’s best brains are not only defining the fluids, but the way the fluids are defined: Pioneering unique performance testing, driving efficiency and economy going beyond the standard requirements of the fluids, taking consumer insights and engineering technical solutions; advancing technologies that will lead to breakthroughs for the transport of tomorrow.


Castrol ON EV fluids range for after sales

Products available to workshops, distributors and electric vehicle owners for service, upon request

Castrol ON EV fluid range for factory fill

Products  only available to car manufacturers to be used as  factory fill. ​