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Castrol consultancy services

Discover how our expert consultants can help you optimise vessel performance and improve fleet reliability.

Get a Castrol expert on board


Once on board, our experts can help solve complex problems and improve fleet performance. With deep knowledge of lubricant and equipment interaction, we can keep your operations in sync with the latest OEM recommendations and environmental legislation.


Anywhere in the world, at any time of the day. 

Operating as a truly global network based at key locations for the shipping industry, our experienced Technical Services Engineers carry out in general more than 400 ship visits every year to help solve our customers' individual challenges and improve fleet efficiency. Castrol experts around the world are ready to respond to questions or emergencies. 

Castrol technical services engineers during a ship visit

UOA interpretation training

Castrol doesn’t just have the expertise to measure and interpret your UOA readings. We can also empower you to take control of your own data through training courses on the critical aspects of used oil analysis and interpretation. This training can help your teams learn how to gather and analyze information in a useful and representative manner.  


Castrol’s expert engineers will offer a relevant training programme based on the experience level of your team and reports from your UOA results. The topics covered during these courses include instructions for representative sampling, identification of sampling points, and UOA scheduling. Your trained engineers can then read UOA reports and make the best decisions on whether to change oil or recommend corrective actions to the crew. They can also share that knowledge throughout the whole organisation and ensure optimum efficiency and best-practice UOA. 


Dedicated technical services engineer

Castrol Technical Services Engineers (TSEs) are based all over the world, helping our customers when they need our support. Their expertise and dedication ensures your business gets consistent, highly skilled technical support in your local language with a clear verbal and written dialogue based on the unique challenges you face day to day. Every business is unique, and having a long-term, consistent team around you who know your business, your equipment and your market, ensures the advice our TSEs offer is always relevant and tailored to your business.  


We understand that different languages can be a challenge too in global businesses, so we ensure our experts are fluent in your language to minimize confusion, misunderstandings and speed up dialogue. Your local Castrol TSE will become an extended member of your team. Available to answer questions, respond to requests and make recommendations that can help create operational efficiencies for your business.

Castrol dedicated technical services engineer on a phone with a client

Labcheck annual review

Labcheck Annual Review contains a summary of all Castrol technical services provided throughout the year to your shipping company. This may include laboratory services such as abcheck Used Oil Analysis and Labcheck Cylinder Oil Monitoring programme, or any special consultancy provided by a Castrol Technical Services Engineer. A Castrol expert will process and evaluate the year’s results and present documentation for reference and discussion, such as graphs, trends, failures, good practices and comparison in lubrication efficiency (performance vs consumption) across the fleet. 


We then collaborate with your teams in order to improve the lubrication performance of your fleet, giving you documented improvements, measurements and actions that can be shared throughout your business. A summary of the full year’s performance allows you to identify critical lubricating conditions that may have been missed or ensure that successful interventions have been shared across your equipment and fleet. 

Learn how Castrol’s monitoring and consultancy solutions work alongside scheduling







Get a Castrol expert on board

On your vessel, on a call, or online.

 Book a free online or on-deck consultation with a Castrol Technical Services expert today. You can get in touch by submitting this form, or you can follow us on social @castrolmarine.