High-performing Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants**
High-performing, hardworking lubricants are a critical component of efficient, profitable vessel operations. But in a world of ever-stronger environmental legislation, you may prefer Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EALs)**.
Castrol Bio Range products have been created to meet demanding global environmental legislation challenges; their use provides confidence wherever your ships operate around the world.
A range of high-performing EALs** that help you deliver the equipment protection you depend on and that can also support your sustainability goals.
Castrol Bio Range products meet the requirements for being an EAL** under 2018 US Vessel Incidental Discharges Act (VIDA) based on the 2013 US Vessel General Permit (VGP).
Castrol’s PATH360 is our holistic sustainability program, expanding sustainable thinking into every facet of our business.