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Electric vehicles

Find out more about the rising popularity of EVs and how Castrol is redefining what’s possible for them.

Accelerating into an electric future

The world is accelerating into an electric future. In 2019, 2.6%1 of all cars sold globally were electric vehicles (EVs). In just four years, by 2023, this figure had increased to 18%1. That’s a staggering 13.8 million1 vehicles – and that’s only cars. Vans, trucks and buses are on top of this!


By 2030, EVs could make up to 55%2 of total global vehicle sales.


By 2040 there could be 1 billion3 electrified cars and trucks in the global vehicle parc.

Leading the charge

Castrol partners with automotive manufacturers to help shape the future of e-mobility.


3 out of 4 major vehicle manufacturers choose Castrol EV Fluids4.

Switch ON an electric future

Castrol ON is an advanced range of EV Fluids including: transmission fluids, thermal fluids and greases.


Castrol ON EV Fluids play a major role in helping EVs go further5*, charge faster6* and last longer7*.

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1IEA Global EV data explorer
2Six essentials for mainstream EV adoption | EY - Global
3bp Energy Outlook
4Based on GlobalData report for top 20 selling OEMs (total new passenger car and light commercial vehicle sales) in 2023. Used by these OEMs as a part of EV factory fill.
*Castrol ON EV Fluids benefits are demonstrated in bespoke testing and development. Go further5, charge faster6 and last longer75vs mass market EV factory fill fluid 6vs indirect cooled battery system. 7vs standard EV transmission fluid.