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Cars at Castrol Service

Diagnostics in new vehicles is becoming more and more complicated. The growing number of functions, adjustments and adaptations that need to be performed in increasingly advanced systems used in vehicles can often cause many problems for users of universal diagnostic testers, which at the moment may not have a number of functions in the software offer or perform them incorrectly. The solution to these problems is the use of the SAE J2534 standard, commonly known as Pass Thru, i.e. the ability to connect online using a universal VCI diagnostic tester with this standard with the vehicle via the manufacturer’s platform. Mercedes, like most other German vehicle manufacturers, provides its registered users with the possibility of using diagnostics using the XENTRY software for diagnostics, controller programming and also makes service documentation available. In addition, it enables entries to be made in the DSB, the Digital Service Book, for inspections carried out. The following article presents the registration process, account configuration and how to navigate the Mercedes platform. All prices for purchasing access to the platform are valid on the day of creating the article and may change over time. 
1. Registration on the B2B Connect portal
In order to take advantage of the opportunities provided by Mercedes, you must first register on the B2B Connect portal (https://b2bconnect.mercedes-benz.com/) (Fig.1). The page defaults to the language of the country from which you are registering. The registration process will be presented on the example of a workshop in Poland. For individual countries, the requirements and registration process may vary in details, so always follow the instructions.
Fig. 1. Homepage of the B2B Connect portal
Fig. 1. Homepage of the B2B Connect portal
source: [https://b2bconnect.mercedes-benz.com/]
First, you need to complete the basic registration process. After selecting the “Register” option from the main page of the B2B Connect portal, a window will be displayed in which you need to enter your registration data (if the window is blocked by the browser, you should allow the attachment and loading of appearing windows in the browser options). In the first window, select the country in which you run the workshop (Fig. 2), and then accept with the “Next” button
Fig. 2. Step 1 of the registration process
Fig. 2. Step 1 of the registration process
source: [https://b2bconnect.mercedes-benz.com/]

The next step is to complete the data of the workshop applying for access to the Mercedes platform (Figs. 3, 4). In this step, you must specify:

a) The full name of the company, i.e. the one provided during official registration of the company (recorded in CEIDG [Centralna Ewidencja i Informacja o Działalności Gospodarczej, Polish Central Register and Information on Economic Activity] or KRS [Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy, National Court Register]).

b) Select “ISP with Workshop” as the Type of Enterprise. Choosing a different option will limit the functions and possibilities available on the B2B Connect portal.

c) In the next field enter the e-mail address. It is recommended to provide an e-mail address with the first name initial or first name and surname (e.g. j.kowalski@..., e-mail domain is not important). 

d) Below, enter the address at which the business is registered (street and number, post code, city). 

e) In the next field, enter the European VAT Number – the abbreviation PL will be automatically generated after selecting the country. 

f) The portal marks all necessary data with an asterisk.

You must have the so-called European VAT number (i.e. NIP [Tax Identification Number] number starting with the abbreviation of the country, e.g. PL – in the case of Poland), which can be obtained from the Tax Office (according to the law in force in Poland; in any other EU country this authority may be different), and checked on the website of the European Commission, in the confirmation of VAT number (VIES) tab. Providing a European VAT number will cause that when shopping, no French tax will be added, and the purchase amount will be charged with 0% VAT. It is recommended not to use special characters and letters when filling in the registration fields, e.g. ł, ć, ą, ä, ö, è, !, ?, (also in the company name). This may result in incorrect filling of the invoice with incorrect data (special characters replaced or deleted).After filling in the required fields, go to the next step by clicking the “Next” button.

Fig. 3. Step 2 of the registration process
Fig. 3. Step 2 of the registration process 
source: [https://b2bconnect.mercedes-benz.com/]
Fig. 4. Step 2 cont’d of the registration process
Fig. 4. Step 2 cont’d of the registration process 
source: [https://b2bconnect.mercedes-benz.com/]

Then, enter the details of the person who will be the administrator of the account on the B2B Connect portal (Fig. 5). You should provide the following details:

a) Name and surname of the data controller.

b) E-mail address, which you should confirm in the next field by entering it a second time.

c) Alternatively, you can provide a contact phone number in case of irregularities during registration or subsequent problems with the account.


Next, you must accept the conditions required by Mercedes that the platform and repairs should be handled only by qualified personnel who are familiar with Mercedes products and have sufficient mechanic education in the field of vehicle repair.

Fig. 5. Step 3 of the registration process
Fig. 5. Step 3 of the registration process 
source: [https://b2bconnect.mercedes-benz.com/]

In the next registration step, you can optionally select a Mercedes-Benz dealer (Fig. 6,7) with whom you will be able to carry out parts orders and access the parts catalogue on the B2B Connect portal once your account has been verified by this dealer. This registration step can be skipped, but it may cause further problems when using the platform.


First of all, you should choose what type of vehicles the workshop deals with: cars or vans; and choose how the preferred contact with the dealership should look like: by phone or e-mail. Once you have filled in these fields, you will be taken to the next window where you will need to select your Mercedes-Benz dealership. You should accept the choice through the “Dealership selection” button, and then go to the next registration window using the “Next” button.

Fig. 6. Step 4 of the registration process
Fig. 6. Step 4 of the registration process
source: [https://b2bconnect.mercedes-benz.com/]
Fig. 7. Step 4 cont’d of the registration process
Fig. 7. Step 4 cont’d of the registration process 
source: [https://b2bconnect.mercedes-benz.com/]
In the last step of registration, check whether all previously entered data are correct (Figs. 8,9). If you have made a mistake, edit the form using the blue pencil button next to each data field on the right. Next, read and accept the terms of access, the Mercedes-Benz privacy policy and confirm that the company reported in the above completed form is registered as a workshop and is therefore authorised to obtain information on maintenance and repairs in accordance with EU Directive 2018/858.
Fig. 8. Step 5 of the registration process
Fig. 8. Step 5 of the registration process 
source: [https://b2bconnect.mercedes-benz.com/]
Fig. 9. Step 5 cont'd of the registration process
Fig. 9. Step 5 cont'd of the registration process 
source: [https://b2bconnect.mercedes-benz.com/]
When the registration is complete, a message will be displayed confirming that the registration is correct (Fig. 10). Next, an account activation link will be sent to the e-mail address provided during the registration process (the link is valid for 48 hours – if the link expires, you should repeat the registration). In the next e-mail, a login will be sent, which must start with “C5...” and a one-time login password, which you should change.
Fig. 10. Confirmation of registration
Fig. 10. Confirmation of registration
source: [https://b2bconnect.mercedes-benz.com/]
Log in using the “Log in” button on the home screen of the B2B Connect portal. Then, the website redirects you to the UMAS [User Management After Sales] system (Fig. 11), where you must enter your login details (for the first login, enter the data sent to your e-mail address).
Fig. 11. UMAS login page
Fig. 11. UMAS login page
source: [https://login.mercedes-benz.com/]

After logging in to the UMAS portal, the website redirects to the B2B Connect portal (Fig. 12), where the following options are available:

1. Launching the application:

    a. WebParts – access to the Mercedes-Benz parts catalogue

    b. DSB – Digital Service Book

    c. DWD – Digital Wiring Diagrams 

    d. XENTRY WIS – Workshop Information System

    e. XOT – operation times

    f. Information about parts

    g. XENTRY TIPS – Technical Bulletins


2. Orders – management of orders

3. Applications – management of assigned serial numbers of devices for XENTRY Pass Thru

4. Dealership – management of authorised partners

5. Account – account management and adding additional users

6. Parts and Tools – ability to purchase tools and grant access to Xentry Flash

7. Software – ability to gain access to Xentry Diagnosis and technical documentation.

Fig. 12. B2B Connect portal after logging in
Fig. 12. B2B Connect portal after logging in 
2. Access to DSB – Digital Service Book

This system allows the entry of inspections carried out by an independent workshop. The Digital Service Book has been successfully used by the manufacturer for several years. Inspections performed by an independent car workshop with an entry in the DSB and compliance with procedures and OEM parts (original parts) or with the PJ designation (parts of comparable quality with OE) in vehicles that have a manufacturer’s warranty will not result in its loss.  

The DSB system can be accessed by clicking on the link that will be displayed when you hover over the field with this name. The system will take you to the UMAS website, where you need to select the request for access to the Digital Service Book. After verifying the request, a message will be sent to your e-mail about the positive granting of access to the DSB, and on the main page of the B2B Connect portal, the field with this system will be highlighted/activated.


In order to make an entry in the DSB, use the field described above, and then enter the VIN number of the vehicle on which inspection activities are performed.Once this has been done, the details of the vehicle with the entered VIN number will be displayed. In the “Digital Service Brochure” tab, select the “New Service Documentation” option on the right side of the screen. Below, you will find the data of previously performed inspections and, if the service time is exceeded, the time if the inspection date has been delayed (this does not mean that the vehicle has not had any service inspections, but only lets you know that no entry has been made in the DSB). The DSB system window will be displayed (Fig. 13), in which you should enter the following data:

1. Order number

2. Vehicle mileage

3. The number of kilometres to the next service (vehicle servicing period, e.g. 15,000 km), the difference between the current mileage and the last entry will be automatically recalculated and the mileage of the next service will be displayed

4. Time since last service will be generated automatically from last entry (editable)

5. Enter the date of the next service (the month must be given in words and then the year, e.g. November 2023)

6. Then, enter the type of service read from the display in the vehicle (Service A / Service B), after which the activities to be performed will be displayed in accordance with the table of service activities from XENTRY WIS (will be presented later in the article)

7. In the internal and customer notes fields, remarks can optionally be added about the inspection carried out.

Fig. 13. Digital Service Book
Fig. 13. Digital Service Book
source: [https://b2bconnect.mercedes-benz.com/]
After completing the list, confirm in the bottom right corner in the checkbox that the activities have been carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s procedures, and then generate a confirmation of inspection for the customer and click the “Send” button.
3. Access to XENTRY PassThru
The Xentry PassThru software is used for diagnostics on Mercedes-Benz cars and vans as well as Smart cars. In order to gain access to Xentry PassThru, on the home page of the B2B Connect portal, open the “Software” tab, and then “XENTRY Pass Thru EU” (Fig. 14). 
Fig. 14. B2B Connect portal – Software tab
Fig. 14. B2B Connect portal – Software tab
source: [https://b2bconnect.mercedes-benz.com/]

In order to purchase and use the Xentry Pass Thru EU, you must first pay a one-year fixed fee of EUR 180. After payment is made, you will be assigned the so-called “System Number”. This number is assigned to a specific device (e.g. laptop) on which the Xentry software will be installed. To do this, you must download and install the software that generates the Hardware ID of your device to pay the fixed fee. You should download the software from the link under the description “Prepare your computer (only for new systems)”, “Download basic configuration”. Then, after installation, copy the 12-character identifier and make payment on the B2B Connect portal. Only the administrator of your account can make a purchase. Created users cannot buy a new one and extend the “System Number” generated for the device.Once a “System Number” has been assigned, you can purchase a diagnostic time credit.

The cost of access to diagnostics depends on the duration of access, as shown in the table below:

Vehicle Type/Time

1 hour

1 day

1 week

1 month

1 year

MB PC with VAN, Smart, EQ, Maybach

EUR 12.70

EUR 50.80

EUR 157.00

EUR 405.00

EUR 2,792.00


EUR 6.60

EUR 26.60

EUR 82.00

EUR 212.00

EUR 1,459.00


EUR 6.60

EUR 26.60

EUR 82.00

EUR 212.00

EUR 1,459.00

After purchasing a time credit, you can start activating the XENTRY Pass Thru EU system from the previously downloaded configuration package. Minimum system and hardware requirements for XENTRY:

1. i5 processor 

2. 8 GB RAM (16 GB RAM recommended)

3. 150 GB free hard disk space (SSD recommended)

4. Windows 10 (64-bit) or Windows 11 (64-bit)

New on the portal is XENTRY Diagnosis Lite. This is an offer of diagnostics for Mercedes vehicles using the original VCI diagnostic tester. The procedure for obtaining access does not differ from the one described above. The only thing that changes is the one-year fixed fee, which includes renting a VCI diagnostic tester for a year and amounts to EUR 1,470.

4. Access to technical documentation

Mercedes-Benz technical documentation is divided into several applications and includes:

  • repair instructions (XENTRY WIS),
  • inspection instructions (XENTRY WIS),
  • wiring diagrams (DWD),
  • technical bulletins (XENTRY TIPS),
  • operation times (XOT),
  • bodywork repair manuals (XENTRY WIS)
  • spare parts catalogue (WebParts)


Access to the applications is divided into subscriptions. By purchasing access to XENTRY WIS, you get access to repair manuals, inspection manuals, bodywork repair manuals and digital wiring diagrams (DWD). The purchase can be made in the “Software” tab (Fig. 14.). Before purchasing, select the subscription period, vehicle versions and assign a user who will have access to the purchased resources. The cost of access to documentation depends on the duration of access and the type of vehicle, as shown in the table below:

Vehicle Type/Time

1 hour

1 day

1 week

1 month

1 year

MB PC with VAN, Smart, EQ, Maybach

EUR 9.20

EUR 30.70

    EUR 96.00

   EUR 246.00

   EUR 1,146.00


      EUR 3.90

      EUR 12.80

    EUR 41.00

   EUR 103.00

   EUR 480.00


EUR 3.90

EUR 12.80

EUR 41.00

EUR 103.00

EUR 480.00

To run XENTRY WIS and DWD, just log in with the user data assigned to the subscription, and on the main page of the B2B Connect portal (Fig. 12) you will be able to attach applications (they will be highlighted).


XOT (XENTRY Operation Time) is a separate application. Operation times for individual activities are selected using the VIN number. To access it, as in the case of XENTRY WIS, select the user assigned to the subscription, as well as the subscription time and vehicle type, as shown in the table below: 

Vehicle Type/Time

1 hour

1 day

1 week

1 month

1 year

MB PC with VAN, Smart, EQ, Maybach

EUR 5.70

EUR 18.10

EUR 53.00

EUR 153.00

EUR 656.00


EUR 2.40

EUR 7.60

EUR 23.00

EUR 65.00

EUR 276.00


EUR 2.40

EUR 7.60

EUR 23.00

EUR 65.00

EUR 276.00

Access to technical bulletins, that is ready-made technical solutions to service cases. The application is called XENTRY TIPS and, as in the case of the two above applications, XENTRY WIS and XOT, before purchasing it you must select the subscription time, type of vehicle and assign access to a specific user. The cost of access to documentation depends on the duration of access and the type of vehicle, as shown in the table below:

Vehicle Type/Time

1 hour

1 day

1 week

1 month

1 year

MB PC with VAN, Smart, EQ, Maybach

EUR 4.50

EUR 9.60

EUR 19.00

EUR 41.00

EUR 155.00


EUR 2.00

EUR 4.30

EUR 8.00

EUR 18.00

EUR 70.00


EUR 2.00

EUR 4.30

EUR 8.00

EUR 18.00

EUR 70.00

5. XENTRY Flash programming access

The XENTRY Flash application is used for programming (flashing) Mercedes-Benz vehicle controllers as well as coding and entering hardware codes.


From the fourth quarter of 2022, Mercedes requires additional authentication for the XENTRY Flash.

This is additional authentication using a smartphone application, e.g. Google Authenticator or using a USB security key.


To run XENTRY Flash and gain access to additional authentication, on the main page of the B2B Connect portal, in the “Parts and Tools” tab, select “XENTRY Flash / User permissions for diagnostics” (Fig. 15.) 

Fig. 15. B2B Connect portal – Parts and Tools tab
Fig. 15. B2B Connect portal – Parts and Tools tab
source: [https://b2bconnect.mercedes-benz.com/]

Then write an e-mail via the website (“Contact” field) requesting access to XENTRY Flash and additional authorisation. In response, you will be sent further instructions to follow. The default language that will speed up the authorisation process is English.

To sum up, access to the Mercedes portal consists of several separate applications that together form the Mercedes Xentry system and enable trouble-free diagnosis of Mercedes vehicles. However, remember not to make a mistake during registration, because after approving the account, it is not possible to re-register the company using the same NIP [Tax Identification Number] number. Access to the Mercedes-Benz platform gives full possibilities of diagnosing, programming, servicing and repairing vehicles of this brand at the dealership level, and in addition access to DSB – Digital Service Book enables the servicing of vehicles under warranty without the risk of losing it.