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If your vehicle requires a 0W-20 viscosity engine oil Castrol offers options that meet the needs of drivers and vehicle manufacturers.


Choosing the right 0W-20 oil for your engine

0W-20 motor oil is liquid engineered to flow as easily as a 0 Weight oil in winter temperatures, yet behave like 20 Weight oil once the engine has achieved its full operating temperature. This ensures that even in cold climates, oil will start to flow through engine oil ways immediately, providing lubrication to critical engine parts.


It's a common misconception that the 'W' in viscosity descriptions stands for Weight. In fact, it stands for Winter. In the case of synthetic 0W-20 oil, this means that it flows as easily as a 0 Weight oil in Winter temperatures, but is as thick and viscous as a 20 Weight oil once normal engine temperature has been reached.


Castrol’s range of 0W-20 oils includes Castrol EDGE, an advanced full synthetic 0W-20. It’s our strongest oil and formulated to withstand the extreme pressure and temperatures. It’s the best option for those who want to push their car to its limits.